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Brooklands School

Year 7 Catch Up


The Literacy and Numeracy Year 7 Catch-up Premium provides state funded schools to support Year 7 pupils who did not achieve the expected standard in reading or maths at the end of Key Stage 2.

Our current year 7 pupils have severe learning disabilities or profound and multiple learning disabilities and as such have a broad range of need.

This is an all-through school, taking children from 4 years old through to 19. Our analysis of that data, gives us confidence that our Year 7 children do not experience a dip in their steady progress when they change from Year 6 to Year 7, as a specific result of the transition from Primary to Secondary. We recognise that although our children don’t experience the classic Primary into Secondary dip, we routinely have children joining us from other schools at year groups spread right through the school. We know that when children join the school, in any Year group, there is a period of adjustment for them as they get to know new staff and learn to understand the boundaries and expectations in our setting. There is also a period of time required by us to perform assessments in order to determine their specific learning requirements. For this reason we use the Year 7 Catch-Up Premium strategically to focus on staff training and resources, knowing that people and equipment need to be in place to minimise the impact of transition for our pupils, as they adjust to the new setting either because they are new to the school or because they have moved from the Primary to the Secondary part of the school. This helps to ensure that we maximise the impact of learning time on securing the best possible outcomes for each child, including those moving from Year 6 to Year 7. 


Our allocation in 2019-2020 was £3000

Allocation Training  Resources 
£3000 £2500 £500




This funding allocation has now ceased and as such this is the final report on its use.