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Brooklands School

Charity Support

CCM Auction Mart - Skipton Dec 2024


CCM Skipton annual festive charity bonanza raises record £7,000

There was again a major charity element at Skipton Auction Mart’s recent annual Christmas primestock show and sale day, with a grand total of around £7,000 raised – a record figure across the event’s 17-year history.

Sharing in the windfall are regular beneficiaries Sue Ryder Manorlands Hospice, Oxenhope, and Brooklands Community Special School, Skipton, this year joined by Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Brooklands received a cheque for £2178 as a result of this amazing event!


Going under the charity hammer were food and non-food related items across 15 indoor show classes for adults and children, supplemented by many other prizes and donations from kind-hearted local businesses and individuals, and further boosted by John Penny and Sons in Rawdon, who again donated the entry fees in the lamb carcase competition to charity.

Also added to the kitty were proceeds from the sale of entries in the annual fodder hay competition, judged by mart regular Ian Lancaster, Wiswell, who awarded champion bale to JR Douglas, Blackburn, reserve to Richard Wood, Stokesley

All items were auctioned off towards the end of another busy and highly successful day by CCM’s Kyle Hawksworth and Matt Middleton, with ever-generous bidders at a packed ringside again digging deep to support the three worthy causes. Both Manorlands and Brooklands School have received windfalls running into many thousands of pounds since the event’s inception.

Sue Ryder Manorlands also received an additional £420 windfall when mart-based Skipton & Clitheroe NFU, keynote festive primestock sponsor among many others, again raffled hampers, with two more to be raffled in the office in the hope of raising over £800 in total for Manorlands. The entire NFU team again donated hamper items.

Returning for the second year was a mini tractor run for children again organised by Lothersdale Discussion Group, in which no less than 54 toy tractors decked out in true festive fashion, along with their eager young drivers, followed a route around the auction.

First prize for the best dressed pre-school tractor went to Harry Crane, with James Throup runner-up, and Layla and Stanley Parkinson adjudged winners of the best dressed school age tractor, Arthur Swensen finishing second.

Indoor section judges were Angela and Anna Booth, Tracy and Kelly Maltby, Hazel Gamble and Daphne Wilson – the last two mentioned themselves winning the Jar of Fruit Jam and Festive Christmas Decoration classes in which, naturally, they were not adjudicating!

First prize winners across all other classes, both adults and children, were: Christmas Fruit Cake - Eileen Addyman, Victoria Sandwich Cake - Clifford Lawson, Sausage Rolls - Hannah Eaton, Pair of Scotch Eggs - Kerry Foster, Jar of Chutney - Susan Wallbank, Sloe Gin/Whiskey/Vodka - Margaret Watkinson, Christmas Tiffin - Rachel Taylor, Biscuits - Oliver Marshall, Photograph - Rachel Taylor, Decorated Wagon Wheels - Tilly Moore, Decorated Letter - Cole Holmes, Loaf Tin Cake - Neive Ireland,  Christmas Card - William Lambert.

The well-supported charity auction at CCM’s annual Christmas highlight.


Further info: Robin Moule, 07976 559961.

Charity Concert 


Joyce Milner (piano), Christine Dittman (cello) and Tracey Smurthwaite (flute)  are pictured here at their concert on 9 November in St Michael’s Church, Linton.

The concert included music by Bach, Schumann, Chopin, Fauré, Saint-Saëns and Debussy.  It was very well received and the audience made some generous donations. 

The group were delighted to be able to make a payment of £220 to Brooklands School which we will be able to use it for the benefit of the children.

We give huge thanks to the ladies for making such a lovely donation to School.

Rotary in Skipton 

Rotary In Skipton and Brooklands.

Rotary In Skipton is pleased to be able to support Brooklands School. Funds for this purpose come from local fundraising. The photo shows some Rotarian volunteers who help to run the Charity car park in the Bailey, which is made available by kind permission of Skipton Building Society. The Charity Car Park is held on Saturdays, Bank Holidays & Christmas market days.  Rotary In Skipton also organises the Great Skipton Santa Fun Run, the Santa’s Sleigh collections and the Mulled Wine Stall at Skipton Christmas Market.

Kids Out and the Pantomime visit are also made possible by Rotary In Skipton fundraising. “Oh Yes  They Are!” 😊




Rotary in Craven

Rotary in Craven and Brooklands

Our School continues to enjoy its longstanding relationship with Rotary International through Skipton Craven and Skipton Rotary Clubs. They provide grants to us to make possible our school visits to the pantomime each New Year (to the Bradford Alhambra and Pendle Municipal Theatres in 2021 and 2022 respectively); and also to our Summer Fun Days Out to Lightwater Valley in 2019 and to Blackpool’s Zoo and Pleasure Beach in 2022, 2023 and 2024. All are designated ‘Kids Out’ events that have been linked to the national Kids Out Charity since 1990, that supports outings across the UK for thousands of children.

Other grants have been received over the years from Rotary, most recently from both local clubs towards the development of our Trim Trail and recreational area, and class trips to Zen S and B Sensory. Other much valued support comes from Skipton Craven with a visit from Santa and his sleigh to our Christmas Party each year, and panel support to other enjoyable events e.g. Brooklands Got Talent Competition!









Sylvester Petyt's Charity

October 2024

Sylvester Petyt's Charity have kindly donated a £100 grant to our school.  This is something we use at the end of each academic year and provide our leavers with a book/gift. 


sylvester petyts charity 2023 up.pdf

 CCM Auctions Ltd - Dec 2023

The lovely team at Skipton Auction Mart were busy over Christmas making and selling cakes, chutneys, and other lovely produce. This was then sold in their annual Charity Sale at the Christmas Fatstock Show in 2022. This raised £1322 and they were kind enough to donate this to us here at Brooklands!  We can't thank you enough for this kind donation!


Here is just a highlight of some of the donations being auctioned:


 Fledglings & Contact 

Fledglings via Contact for Families with disabled children Donated £1,823.76 worth of equipment in January this year. 

The equipment includes Diddicars, ear defenders playsets, sensory toys other much needed learning resources. 

Letters and helpful guides were provided and sent out to all of our families offering information in all different areas of life when bringing up a child with disabilities. 

Thank you! 




Contact - for families with disabled children | Contact


We were founded in the 1970s by families of disabled children, who recognised that even if their child’s conditions were different, they shared a common experience – of being a family with a disabled child. They understood how important it is to support each other. 

A lot has changed since then but some things haven’t changed nearly enough. There is a desperate lack of services and support for the 620,000 parents in the UK who care for a disabled child. As a result, families face a huge range of challenges and many feel isolated and alone.  Coping with extra financial costs and practical challenges can put an enormous strain on daily life, with families more likely to face emotional issues, stress and anxiety. 

We are here for all families with disabled children – supporting families, bringing families together and helping families take action for others. 

Our vision is that families with disabled children feel valued and are strong, confident and able to make the decisions that are right for them.  

Adaptive Clothes Incontinence Swim Sensory SEN | Fledglings

We are a non-profit shop that helps children and adults with additional needs by supplying products and equipment that help with everyday challenges. We provide an easy and trusted environment to find the right solutions and allow people to connect and share their experiences.

Fledglings was born in 1998 out of founder Ruth Lingard’s passion and drive to help parents and carers of children with special needs find simple solutions to everyday challenges they face. As a special needs teacher and social worker, Ruth had a wealth of experience helping families and children, and Fledglings gave her an opportunity to reach more people in need.


 The National Federation of Demolition Contractors Ltd (North East Region) selected  Brooklands as their charity of choice in February. We were nominated by Metropolitan Demolition and Crushing of Wakefield who are a member of the NFDC.

The Cheque of £3000 was a lovely surprise and very gratefully  received - Thank you!


Skipton Mechanics Institute 

As a head teacher at Gargrave I also chair Skipton Mechanics Institute. This is a charity who give funding for individuals and organisations in their area of benefit. Please see for more information. 

Our next meeting is on 24th April 2024 and we meet only three times a year. The charity is seeking applications from individuals or schools at any time over the year and they will be considered at the next meeting- usually April, September and December. 

We look forward to hearing from you.