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Brooklands School


Pupils are admitted into our school in accordance with the Local Authority’s policy for the admission of pupils to special schools.

Admission is only through the local Authority Assessment and Review Officer who can be contacted through:

Children and Young People's Services,

County Hall,


DL7 8AD.

Tel |  01609 780780

The process

  • Pupils must have an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP)
  • If the Local Authority feels that a placement at our school is appropriate they will present all the documentation relating to that pupil to a multi-agency panel. They will then determine if our school should be approached to see if we feel it would be an appropriate placement.
  • If as a school we decide that we can meet the needs of that pupil then the transition between the present school and ours can be negotiated and a specific start date determined.

Prospective parents/carers are very welcome to visit our school. Please contact for an appointment.

More information on NYCC admissions can be found here

School admissions | North Yorkshire County Council