Parent Transition Feedback
We are very proud of our past pupils and enjoy seeing how successful they have been. Click play to hear feedback from the past pupils and parents about their experiences.
Core values
Life and Living Skills
Well being
Welcome to Flourish
Post 16 at Brooklands
At Brooklands we have a thriving off site provision which is based across 2 sites in Skipton. We pride ourselves on providing a personalised curriculum to meet the needs of our learners in line with their preparation for adulthood outcomes working closely with all local Post 16-19 providers to ensure transition is smooth to wherever the next destination is for our young people is. Staff are committed to teaching our students life and living skills, how to successfully be a part of enterprise opportunities and the qualifications that they need to be successful. We deliver a comprehensive curriculum which allows our young people to make choices about their future including possible future employment routes such as Supported Internships, T-Levels and Apprenticeships where appropriate to that young person.
Post 16
Hi, my name is Sam Emmott and I run Post 16 at Brooklands. We have a excellent experienced staff team who would welcome you to look around our provision.
Branching Out - Brougham Street
Branching out Post 16 @ Craven College (ID 1259)
Samantha EmmottClass Teacher & Post 16 lead
Samantha Emmott
Lauren ThroupeAdvanced Teaching Assistant
Lauren Throupe
Claire NallonHigher Level Teaching Assistant & Careers advisor
Claire Nallon
Keary HansonGeneral Teaching Assistant
Keary Hanson
Lottie VickeryGeneral Teaching Assistant
Lottie Vickery
Jacob AckroydTeacher
Jacob Ackroyd
Roots - Eshton Grange
Roots Post 16 @ Craven College (ID 1291)
Mel Pozzana-BerridgeTeacher
Mel Pozzana-Berridge
Sam GibsonGeneral Teaching Assistant
Sam Gibson
Matt NewmanHigher Level Teaching Assistant
Matt Newman
Claire LingGeneral Teaching Assistant
Claire Ling
Tim MetcalfeAdvanced Teaching Assistant
Tim Metcalfe
Jacqueline HeatonMidday Supervisor
Jacqueline Heaton
Branching out
Term Plan
Branching Out
Post 19
CEIAG policy
download_for_offlineCEIAG policy
- Moving On Booklet Sept 24 2 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMoving On Booklet Sept 24 2
- Post 19 Lancashire Based Provisions March 25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePost 19 Lancashire Based Provisions March 25
- Post 19 options 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePost 19 options 2024-25
- Post 19 Social Group N Yorks March 25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePost 19 Social Group N Yorks March 25
- Student cards download_for_offline
download_for_offlineStudent cards
- Supported Internships CWO v5 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSupported Internships CWO v5
- supported interships guidance for learners 8th april 2014 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinesupported interships guidance for learners 8th april 2014
Post 16 Branching Out Class would like to introduce to you all our already successful Vinted account!
To find our account please type into Vinted "Branchingout23".
We have some amazing things on our online shop from prices ranging from £1-£10
This will be an ongoing business for Post 16 students throughout the school year, so please keep your eyes peeled for more items to be uploaded.
Thank you for your continued support!
- Moving On Booklet Sept 24 2 download_for_offline