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Brooklands School

Attendance at Brooklands

Attendance at Brooklands 

At Brooklands we believe that every school day counts.  We love to see our pupils arrive each morning and we look forward to spending the day ahead with them. 

We are proud of our overall attendance rates, which are consistently above the national special school average and the North Yorkshire special schools average.  We thank you for helping to make this happen. 

We are aware the due to mainly health issues and appointments, not all of our pupils can be here everyday.  We have built a school community that provides a rich and exciting range of learning opportunities, and we strive for the best attendance possible to make the most of all that this has to offer. 

If your child is not able to attend school, please contact our school office by telephone or email as soon as possible to let us know.  If we do not hear from you, we will get in touch with you to check that everything is ok. 

For you information, this is our Pupil Attendance Policy and please find below information from the website that may be of use to you. 

Thank you for your support 

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