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Brooklands School

Severe Weather

Below you will find outlined the procedures used by the school in the case of disruption to travelling caused by severe weather.

Please read the notes carefully, and depending on where you live, consider how your child is likely to be affected.

If there has been severe weather overnight, please listen to the announcements on the local radio stations. You can also visit the school website or North Yorkshire website for information about school closure. If the Headteacher has taken the decision to close the school, you will receive a text through the SIMS In Touch Service. If you do not have a mobile phone you will receive a telephone call in the usual way. Once you have confirmed that the school is still open you should decide whether it is safe for your child to get to school or not. Please ensure that he/she is sent to school suitably dressed for their journey. If school buses do not run in the morning then they will not run in the afternoon. If you bring your child to school when the buses don’t run then you will need to arrange to get him/her home in the afternoon. If he/she does stay at home, please telephone the school (01756 794028) before 9.30 a.m.

If there is severe weather during the day, it may be necessary for the students to leave school early. Should this be the case, we will contact parents by telephone informing them that the students are on their way home. In exceptional cases where we have not managed to contact parents we will still send them home and the transport people will ensure that they are the last ones to be dropped off and will stay with your child until an adult arrives. NO CHILD WILL BE LEFT AT AN EMPTY HOUSE – THERE WILL ALWAYS BE SOMEONE WITH THEM. However, if you could let us have an alternative contact number of a neighbour or friend who may be able to be at your house should you be unable to be there, we would be most grateful.

If your child is at  Jubilee Lodge, relatives, carers etc. please will you ensure they know the procedure.

In the past these arrangements have worked well, so I hope we won’t have any problems. The safety of our children is our prime concern, so if you feel the weather conditions may be too dangerous for them to be sent to school, then please keep them at home.

If you have any queries about these arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact school.