Work Experience
Our vision is to increase the opportunities our students have of finding quality, paid employment in later life. Through pupil centred planning coming directly from Education, Health & Care plans. We fully support students to articulate their aspirations for adult life, including for many their aspiration to work with our 'think 30' mindset.
At Brooklands School all students in Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 undertake work experience at a level that is suitable and beneficial for them. We are very proud of their role in our community.
Careers Policy
Please refer to the School’s Careers Education and Work Related Policy including Provider Access Policy Statement.
Useful links
Careers Enterprise Company
The Careers and Enterprise Company exists to facilitate a world-class careers education, inspiring and preparing young people for the world of work. The Careers Enterprise Company
Supported Internships
The North Yorkshire supported employment service helps disabled people or carers into work or training, and helps employers support disabled people in work.
For further information about how we promote higher level qualifications such as T Level or routes in to work such as Apprenticeships please contact school.
Preparation for Adulthood
Information, advice and guidance for SEND professionals around furthering education, employment, independent living, community participation and being healthy in North Yorkshire
Resources for Young People
Mencap have produced these excellent resources to help support pupils with special needs gain essential skills for employment.
Going to a job interview (easy read)
Our students benefit massively from working with local and national employers. We believe in providing quality employer encounter opportunities for students which match their personal outcomes and would welcome your support in achieving this goal.
You can support our young people in number of ways such as
• Providing work experience placements, work shadowing and work visits
• Attending our business brunch, where we showcase young people's employability skills
• Career talks
• Supporting Enterprise activities
If you would like to support our pupils please contact
Thank you!
Provider Access Legislation
The provider access legislation introduced in January 2018 and updated in January 2023 requires all maintained schools and academies to publish a policy statement setting out opportunities for providers of technical education and apprenticeships to access year 8-13 pupils. See how Brooklands School meets requirements for this legislation.
(Draft) Provider Access PolicyCareers Education and Guidance
At Brooklands School, we aim to equip our students with the knowledge, skills, and attributes to achieve their full potential and outcomes. It is important that students are enabled to make informed decisions about Post 16 and 19 routes and the relevant pathways to support their longer-term plans. We have a planned programs in Key Stages 3-5 and work to the Gatsby Benchmarks and the Careers Statutory Guidance January 2018
Good Career Guidance: Perspectives from the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities sector contains 12 expert perspectives on using the Gatsby Benchmarks with students with SEND, and has been developed by the Gatsby Foundation with The Careers & Enterprise Company, and Disability Rights UK. It is intended to inspire Careers Leaders, teachers and all those working with young people with SEND, across specialist provision and mainstream schools and colleges
Brooklands School is compliant with the latest Provider Access Legislation (January 2023) where students have the opportunity from Year 8 to have a minimum of two encounters per year with employers promoting all technical pathways such as Supported Internships, Apprenticeships and T Levels. Additionally all pupils are offered regular meeting's with an Independent Careers Advisor to work on their individual plans to best meet their own outcomes.
Careers Events
In November Brooklands held their annual transition event at Skipton Town Hall where all local colleges were invited to showcase their offer. This was attended by our local special needs colleges, the local personalised learning pathway and by all local mainstream colleges with foundation learning courses.
We will continue to work with local businesses and Key Stage 4 and 5 students in order to showcase their Employability skills.
Useful information
CEIAG policy
download_for_offlineCEIAG policy
- Moving On Booklet Sept 24 2 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMoving On Booklet Sept 24 2
- Post 19 Lancashire Based Provisions March 25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePost 19 Lancashire Based Provisions March 25
- Post 19 options 2024-25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePost 19 options 2024-25
- Post 19 Social Group N Yorks March 25 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePost 19 Social Group N Yorks March 25
- Student cards download_for_offline
download_for_offlineStudent cards
- Supported Internships CWO v5 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSupported Internships CWO v5
- supported interships guidance for learners 8th april 2014 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinesupported interships guidance for learners 8th april 2014
- Moving On Booklet Sept 24 2 download_for_offline